Tom Moggach Tom Moggach

Market Report - 1st January 2025

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It’s the month for blood oranges. But please be patient as they are not at their best quite yet. The fruit on the trees need more colder nights to blush dark red.

Same applies to Yorkshire forced rhubarb: it is the very start of the season up in the forcing sheds in Yorkshire and it is yet to appear in any volumes.

Agretti has just started and is good right now. This is the best month for pomegranates from Turkey. Turkish grapefruits and quince also recommended.

Fennel is eating beautifully.

French white asparagus will start towards the end of January.

For citrus, Seville bitter oranges are in season but have a very short season. Other citrus includes Chocolate Orange, Cara Cara, Finger Lime (pink), Buddha’s Hands, Pomelo, Yuzu (French) and Cedro.

UK apples and pears still eat very well: Braeburn, Cox, Comice are particularly recommended. From France, Passe Crassane, Goldrush, Chantecler, Patte De Loup, Golden Rose, Canada Russet.

Good month for kaki fruit / persimmon.

Winter tomatoes include Camone, Marinda, Pink Praradise, Datterino.

Wide range of artichoke varieties.

All the radicchios are in season: Tardivo, Castelfranco, Rosa, Trevise, grumolo. Other bitter leaves are Escarole, Puntarelle, Cime di Rapa.

Wild mushrooms: Morrel (Chinese starting soon), Pied de Mouton, Chantelle (yellow/grey), winter truffle.

Roots include Crapaudine beetroot, Tokyo turnips, salsify, radish (incl. Red Meat and Blue Meat), crosnes.

Brassicas: Hispi (Portuguese), January King, Savoy, kohl rabi, Romanesco.

For something very special, teardrop peas (very special from Barcelona pre-order).

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