This is our favourite time of the year - it’s exploding with great produce. We love all the citrus, apples, roots, brassicas - all at their best.

For citrus, we have bergamot, cedro, yuzus. Finger limes are amazing. For super specialist citrus, we are exclusive London stockists such as citron caviar from Baches. It will be a couple of weeks for the first Buddha’s Hands, as they respond to colder night time temperatures. For clementines, we are working Tout de Miel.

For roots, these include chervil root, parsley root, Oca de Peru, crosnes and beetroots including Crapaudine, gold, candy, red. It is really the start of the season for these and they are all really good. The first Jerusalem artichokes of the season are a nice big size. Helianthus any time now. Nasturtium root by the end of the month.

Bitter leaves include puntarelle, cime di rapa and al the radicchios with the exception of rosa / pink, which will be along soon.

Brassicas include Cavolo Nero, Romanesco, sprouts and tops, kohl rabi, January King, the variegated kales. Savoy cabbage is stunning at the moment.

Good artichokes around including spikey, Globe and Petit Violet.

Squashes are excellent - we recommend the Delica from Italy and Onion from France. The Delica has a lovely nutty flavour and colour and is our bestseller after Butternut.

Other lines include quince and South African ceps.

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